Wednesday, September 22, 2010


The sun is shining.
        Everything is clear and bright.

                    You are paralyzed.
Your breath is stopped dead in your lungs.
                        Someone is squeezing your chest.
A fiery, sharp pain blooms where it shouldn’t:
            Your heart.

                        You must take a breath
            but you can’t.
Like drowning—
Seeing the surface
              but not touching it.

You know this is fatal.
            Like falling
only you can’t catch yourself.
       You cannot move.

The electrical wiring in your brain
            has been shocked.
You can’t think anymore
                    but one sentence.

You must take a breath.

But you can’t.
Your heart begins to throb
That slow throb of tired muscles
That can do no more.


I remember wondering daily
Why you never came.
I remember getting letters
with nothing but a name.

I remember for my birthday
A stuffed animal best friend—
One thing I can’t remember
is hearing your laughter never end.

I remember that one morning
A postcard came from you.
It said “missing you this day,”
signed by a man I never knew.

I remember never feeling
A father’s loving embrace
Or seeing an endearing smile
On an old, familiar face.

I remember feeling hatred
For a man who never knew me
Because while you expected love
You just could not see:

I never learned to feel for you
From a father’s loving embrace,
So all I have is an unsteady smile
For your unfamiliar face.

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